The Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions in Croatia announces its
23 – 25 February 2023, Osijek, Croatia
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek
University of Osijek
Lorenza Jägera 9, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, University of Osijek
The application form is available HERE.
Vesna Bagarić Medve
University of Osijek, Croatia
Vesna Bagarić Medve is a professor in Applied Linguistics at the Department of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek, Croatia. From the beginning of her career, she has focused her scientific interests on the research of language awareness and development of communicative competence in English and German as foreign languages. She has devoted the last five years of her scientific work to the research of coherence and cohesion in texts written in the first and foreign language. She has held a number of workshops and lectures for teachers and led or coordinated several research projects. She was editor of the journal „Strani jezici“. Information on her published works is available at the following link: CROSBI Vesna Bagarić Medve
Boris Jokić
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Croatia
Boris Jokić, PhD, is the director of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. He holds a degree in psychology from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb and a PhD from the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. His scientific career has been strongly rooted in the field of psychology of education. His most recent Croatian Science Foundation research focuses on the effects of pandemic on mental health, aspirations of children and youth, their learning and trust. He was a member of the National Council of Education and is one of the authors of the current Croatian strategy of education, science and technology. He was the leader of the Comprehensive Curricular Reform of early and pre-school, elementary and secondary education in Croatia. Information on his published works is available at the following link: CROSBI Boris Jokić
Pilar Mur-Dueñas
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Pilar Mur Dueñas is a senior lecturer at the Department of English and German Studies at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), where she teaches several undergraduate courses in the Primary Education degree and is also involved in the Master’s degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education. Her research focuses on English for Academic Purposes and English for Research Publication Purposes. Her most recent research focuses on the analysis of multilingual scholars’ digital practices when disseminating their research widely. She is a member of the research team InterGEDI ( She has co-edited the books Constructing Interpersonality: Multiple Perspectives on Written Academic Genres (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010) and Intercultural Perspectives on Research Writing (John Benjamins, 2018), the special issues Interpersonality (Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2010) and Scientific and Parascientific Communication (Publications, 2022). She has published the results of her research widely. Information on her published works is available at the following link: ResearchGate Pilar Mur-Dueñas
Plenary talks will be given in English.
Call for Presenters
We welcome talks, workshops and posters that present theoretical and practical insights into the field of LSP including research studies, case reports, project presentations, reports on teaching methods, commentaries and opinions.
The thematic areas of the conference:
- GENERAL ASPECTS OF LSP: genre analysis, discourse analysis, corpus analysis, needs analysis
- TERMINOLOGICAL CHALLENGES: theoretical aspects of terminology as a discipline, terminological theories and their application, terminology and lexicology, terminography and lexicography, psycholinguistics and terminology acquisition, cognitive aspects of LSP teaching, conceptualization and lexicalization in LSP teaching and learning, acquisition of LSP terminology, translation in LSP
- CHALLENGES IN TEACHING METHODOLOGY: LSP teaching in tertiary education, distance teaching/learning, modern technologies in LSP teaching, project-based learning in LSP, communicative approach to LSP teaching, multimodal approachto LSP teaching, teaching LSP to students with visual impairment; deaf and hard-of-hearing students; students with dyslexia and dysgraphia, content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
- SYLLABUS AND LEARNING MATERIALS: materials development, materials evaluation, syllabus design, adapting syllabi and learning materials for distance learning
- ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN LSP: testing, evaluation and assessment (face-to-face, online)
- ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA: internationalization of higher education and LSP, English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), English as a global language of science and needs of non-native English speakers
- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF LSP TEACHERS: development of LSP teacher competencies, research opportunities in LSP, LSP peer collaboration and institutional support, content and language teacher collaboration
- LSP AND ITS SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXT: sociological and cultural aspects of LSP, interdisciplinary aspects – synergy of the subject field and language
Languages (abstracts, podium presentations and paper presentations): Croatian, English, German, Italian or French.
Oral presentations will be allocated 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Workshops will be allocated 30 minutes plus 15 minutes for questions and discussion.
Brankica Bošnjak Terzić, Hrvatska / Croatia
Snježana Kereković, Hrvatska / Croatia
Mirna Varga, Hrvatska / Croatia
Snježana Kereković (coordinator), Hrvatska / Croatia
Brankica Bošnjak Terzić, Hrvatska / Croatia
Saša Bjelobaba, Hrvatska / Croatia
Ana Bocanegra-Valle, Španjolska / Spain
Neda Borić, Hrvatska / Croatia
Kiki Divini, Grčka / Greece
Gorana Duplančić Rogošić, Hrvatska / Croatia
Violeta Jurkovič, Slovenija / Slovenia
Višnja Kabalin Borenić, Hrvatska / Croatia
Joanna Kic-Drgas Poljska / Poland
Nives Lenassi, Slovenija / Slovenia
Stefania Maci, Italija / Italy
Darja Mertelj, Slovenija / Slovenia
Hillary Nessi, Velika Britanija / Great Britain
Drijenka Pandžić Kuliš, Hrvatska / Croatia
Saša Podgoršek, Slovenija / Slovenia
Tamara Polić, Hrvatska / Croatia
Tamara Sladoljev-Agejev, Hrvatska / Croatia
Nadežda Stojaković, Srbija / Serbia
Mirna Varga, Hrvatska / Croatia
Polona Vičić, Slovenija / Slovenia
Dubravka Vilke-Pinter, Hrvatska / Croatia
Ana Vujović, Srbija / Serbia
Guidelines for abstract submission (for oral presentations, workshops, and poster presentations)
To submit an abstract, use the following abstract submission link.
Proofread abstracts should not exceed 300 words. A list of references is not mandatory.
Key words: five words or terms listed in alphabetical order
Instructions for a poster design (after acceptance of an abstract)
Poster size: 594 mm (width) x 420 (height), i.e. standard A2 format, and should be oriented vertically so that it can be placed on the panels available at the conference.
Posters will be on display throughout the conference, and the conference programme will include a time when authors will be present in front of their posters to answer questions from interested parties.
The poster should include the following information: name and last name of all authors, affiliation(s), contact information, poster title, abstract, keywords, and the visual content of the research.
The book of abstracts will be available at the conference.
Publication of conference papers
The selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in the open-access conference proceedings which will be posted after the conference on the official Association’s website.
Abstract submission:
Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2022 – 15 November 2022
Notification of abstract acceptance: 1 December 2022
Paper submission deadline: 1 June 2023
Programme publication: 15 February 2023
Registration and conference fees:
Early bird: 15 November 2022 – 15 December 2022
Conference fee: 100 EUR
Standard registration: 16 December 2022 – 15 January 2023
Conference fee: 120 EUR
The conference fee includes a conference kit, a certificate of attendance, coffee breaks, two conference meals, a guided tour of Osijek, a social gathering with dinner and music in a local restaurant in Baranja.
To register either as an author or a listener, use the following registration link
Methods of payment: bank transfer only
Bank details:
Account holder: UNJSVU, Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6, 10000 Zagreb
Bank name: Zagrebačka banka d.d. Zagreb, Savska cesta 60
Reference: Surname_fee2023
IBAN: HR9323600001102959312
Please note that all bank charges are the responsibility of the participant.
Confirmation of payment should be sent by the participant to
Cancellation policy
A 50% refund may be granted if cancellation is submitted before January 15, 2023. No refunds are available for requests submitted after this date. Refund requests will be processed after the conference and can be submitted to:
Hotel accommodation:
- 500-900m from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Hotel Osijek:
Hotel Waldinger:
Vienna smještaj:
Hotel Central:
Hotel Vila Ariston:
- 2km from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Boutique Hotel Tvrđa:
Pivnica i sobe Merlon:
ZOO Hotel: (by car, ca. 5km)
- 4km from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Hotel Silver:
Hotel Millennium:
- Private accommodation:
How to reach Osijek by public transport:
By bus:
By train:
By plane: (Please note that in winter, there may be limited flights available to and from Osijek airport.)
Distance from the nearest international airports:
(Zagreb – Osijek: 282 km)
(Belgrade – Osijek: 247 km)
(Budapest – Osijek: 267 km)
Other useful information:
Tourist board of the city of Osijek: