Od teorije do prakse u jeziku struke

From Theory to Practice in Language for Specific Purposes

Von der Theorie zur Praxis in der Fachsprache

VU Effectus, Trg. J. F. Kennedyja 2, Zagreb

8:00– 9:30                Registracija / Registration

9:45                           Otvaranje skupa / Opening ceremony (Plava 1 i 2 / Blue room 1 & 2)

                                   Plenarno izlaganje / Plenary lecture (Plava 1 i 2 / Blue room 1 &2)


10:00–11:00            Bruno Nahod

                                   Postmodern terminology: Did we take it too far and lost the race to Google?


11:00 –12:00            Nataša Pavlović

                                    Translation as a tool in LSP teaching 


12:00 –12:30             Stanka za kavu / Coffeebreak

12:30–14:30              Izlaganja u sekcijama / Parallel sessions

14:30–15:30          Ručak u organizaciji Udruge / Lunch (organised by theAssociation)

15:30–17:30          Izlaganja u sekcijama / Parallel sessions



8:30– 9:30                Registracija /Registration

9:45 – 10:45             Plenarno izlaganje / Plenary lecture (Plava 1 i 2 / Blue room 1 and2) BatiaLaufer

                                    Learning vocabulary in a foreign language: The effect of language input and word-focused instruction


11:00–13:00            Izlaganja u sekcijama / Parallel sessions

13:00–14:00          Ručak u organizaciji Udruge / Lunch (organised by theAssociation)

14:00–16:00          Izlaganja u sekcijama / Parallel sessions

16:00–16:30            Stanka za kavu / Coffeebreak

16:30 –18:30           Razgled grada / City tour (organised by the Association)

16:30 –17:00           Predstavljanje knjige / Book presentation

                                   Sočanac, L., Matijašević, M., Husinec, S., Horvatić-Bilić, I. i Javornik-Ĉubrić, M. (2017).

                                   English for the legal profession. Zagreb: Narodne novine.


17:00–18:00           Godišnja skupština UNJSVU/Annual assembly of ALSPTHEI


19:30                        Večera / Dinner (nije ukljuĉena u kotizaciju; not included in the conference fee)

                                  (restoran Muzej, u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt, Trg Republike Hrvatske 10)

                                  (restaurant Muzej, in Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Trg Republike Hrvatske10)

8:30–9:30                Registracija / Registration

9:45 – 10:45            Plenarno izlaganje / Plenary lecture (Plava 1 i 2 / Blue room 1 and2) JadrankaStojanovski

                                   What could the today’s journals look like?


11:00–12:30            Izlaganja u sekcijama / Parallel sessions

12:30–13:30            Ručak u organizaciji Udruge / Lunch (organised by theAssociation)

13:30 –15:30           Izlaganja u sekcijama / Parallel sessions

15:30                        Zatvaranje skupa / Closing ceremony


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